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Teacher Tang Yuling will accompany you to read The Analects


21.Book 2 Wei Zheng (Of Governance), Chapter 4


The Master said, “At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.”



Highlights of this lecture include:

1. This chapter is Confucius’s own account of his gradual progress and attainments.

  When people grow old, they will turn to look back on important moments of their lives. The Master was then seventies. In what way do you think, Confucius would retrace and see his own life? His stage-by-stage progress might give us some useful hints on how to deal with our lives.


2. When Confucius was fifteen year-old, he had already made up his mind to capture all about “being a sage inside, and a king outside.”

  As a child at three, Confucius loved to play make-believe rituals games of ancestral worship with his playmates. His aspiration outstood his peers. Instead of decided to learn vigorously from the age of fifteen, he had settled to learn since his childhood. “At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning”: The Master had made up his mind on capturing all about the attainment of sagehood and kingly ability at fifteen. The qualities a sage within and a king outside brought forth a mindset which would willingly to strive his effort to benefit others through education and politics. The cultivation of inner sagehood and outer kingliness, can be all time truth for the leadership of innovative intention.


3. At the age of thirty, Confucius formed his capacity for judging, stood firm and never wavered

  At the age of thirty, Confucius became very learned and was able to form good judgements. He was very determined about his future, his direction of life. He had found his ideals as his central frame of reference and stood firm on it. He knew how to improve himself by complementary studies in different fields. At his thirty, all of these had been firmly established.


4. At the age of forty, Confucius had “no doubts” and flexible

  Confucius was flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances without hesitation. It means that Confucius could properly handling matters, in such a way that even appeared to be “contrary to the Classics literal dictions but meets the extremely profound import and the hidden meaning of the Classics.” Confucius would not tie up by the wordings of the Classics. He had good judgement in timing--when to take or not to take a move. Such talent allowed him to turn danger into safety. The talent of being flexible and timely owed mainly to his thorough learning, profound and clear understanding of the essentials inherent in the Classics.


5. At the age of fifty, Confucius knew his mandate was to seek accomplishments in politics and education

  It is not easy for ordinary people to realize and achieve the aims of breaking off from bad and evil and to cultivate the goods in themselves, or, to approach true benefits and avoid causes of harm. But to Confucius his mandate was far beyond the two aims. His efforts strived to learn persistently in acquiring loads of capabilities. After all, he came to know that he had the mandate to seek accomplishments in politics and education. Especially in education, his mandate was to pass down the sagely orthodoxy.


6. At the age of sixty, Confucius could read others mind as if he could hear by his ears, he knew how to benefit them immediately

  The Chinese characters of “er shun耳順” stand for “thorough ear function” as that of river flow. “Ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth” means the acuity of hearing function of the ear, helped Confucius to read others mind. At the age sixty, the Master had the capacity to understand a man thoroughly out of his speech. The speech flew in his mind, converged, and analyzed with his central ideas or philosophical frame of reference, then he came to know the truth of what should be done to properly help the one spoken with.


7. At the age of seventy, Confucius could follow what his heart desired, without transgressing the norms

 “Follow what my heart desired” means that Confucius obeyed his heart without thinking of giving it restraints, following the heart and let it flew through its true path. Still he would not trespass the performance of propriety, norms or mores in daily life. That is, the heart came to reach a state of faultless naturally as the truth should be. The divine aspiration of Confucius attained had allowed him to fully understood his mandate, and in turn employed and transformed the capacity into daily use as a provision to cultivate people.
