孔子聖蹟圖 (廿九)縱橫六經第30課






29. Mastering the six books of Classics
The painting is about Confucius mastering the six books of Classics. In the 37th year of King Jing of Zhou dynasty; i.e. the 24th year of Duke Ai of Lu; 483 B.C. Kong Zi was 69 years old, he returned from Wei to Lu and was warmly welcome by Duke Ai and Minister Ji Kang-zi. As a highly-respected and privileged elderly minister, Confucius hadn’t been put in power. Nor did he earnestly desire to seek office. He spent the remainder of his life teaching, passing Chinese culture as legacy. He worked to preface the Book of History, review the Book of Rites, anthologize the Book of Poetry, rectify the Book of Song, edit the Book of Spring and Autumn and write the Book of Filial Piety. He illuminated the Book of Changes with 10 annotations included 2 attached notes of Xi Ci, description on divine symbols of qian and kun in Wen Yan, illustration in Xu Gua, theories in Shuo Gua, notes on verses in 2 Tuan Zhuan, explanation on 64 gua in 2 Xiang Zhuan & etc. Confucius had 3,000 pupils and 72 of them became conversant with the Six Disciplines. In the painting, Confucius sits with folded legs with a guqin set aside. Books on a side desk are about his teachings on rituals and music. He is answering questions disciples asked. Other pupils are sitting on two sides at the front courtyard: some of them respectfully listening, some thinking, discussing, studying or practicing rites at the corner. Pupils outside the walls are exercising on archery, and driving—the required skills of the Six Disciplines as part of the plan in cultivating pupils’ integrity as of a chun-zi—a genuine gentleman. Practicing rites among Confucians were in fact very common even at the time of Emperor Wu of Western Han dynasty. Suma Qian (145-c.85) saw Confucian followers practicing rites at the Confucius’s Temple in Shangdong. An emotion was awakened in him to make him reluctant to leave. As a commoner, he was the heir of Chinese cultural tradition. Over the last 2500 years, his teachings have been reinterpreted to speak to the present. And so it is again today. 


絵の中で、孔子は胡坐をかいて座り、席には琴があり、机の上には書巻があって、経典礼楽の教学を象徴しています。この時、或いは弟子の求学に正対して回答し、両側の弟子は或いは拱手の礼、或いは注目して聞き、或いは目を伏せて考え。或いはお互いに議論し、或いは古籍を照合し、或いは傍らで礼を練習しています。門外の弟子は或いは弓を習い、御を習っています。全て六芸の訓練です。これは君子の人格養成でもあり、特に礼を習う気風は西漢武帝の頃まで続きました。司馬 遷は山東孔子廟に行き、さらに多くの学生が時々礼を習っている姿を見て、感慨深く、しばらく離れることができませんでした。
